Thursday, January 27, 2011


I have a lot of catching up to do on here! Let's see...Lexi turned 7, Halloween, Thanksgiving, growing kids, Gary and I turned 30, Christmas, New Years, snow days, lots of smiles & laughs...and that was the past few months :)
I will add details and pictures later...yes, I will!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I lied

It took a little longer to get back here...sorry people (or person) who read this.

Kids are so cute and witty and funny!
Sean quote of the day~ I started with the whole "Santa is watching so you need to (fill in the blank)" and he said "well Santa only has 2 eyes and probably misses stuff" I told him about the helper elves that watch and he said "well their eyes are small so they don't know" Yup, that was his reasoning for getting out of bed for the 5th time. I can't get him to stay in bed after I tuck him in anymore. Anybody have any advice for getting him to stay there?

Yesterday he took off all his clothes and started dancing around singing "they call me heartbreaker oh oh oh" I don't know where he gets this stuff but he is singing everything lately and it makes me laugh :) He did tell me though that he would never break my heart, only strangers' hearts.

Lexi can't wait for her birthday in a couple days. she is turning 7!!! We are going to Greak Peek Saturday night so her and her friend can go on all the waterslides there at Cascades water park. I am actually excited about it too because it looks so fun. She just wants to hang out and have fun and I will make sure she does.

Alana is a ball of energy all day long. I don't remember the other 2 every being this active and I'm not sure if I forgot or if they ever were. She is not stop moving all day long! At least I could pop in a movie for the other children when they were younger and they would watch it so I could do something, but not Alana. She could care less about the TV, more about dumping or throwing whatever she can. She started talking a lot more and signing "more, please and thank you". She is a cutie-pie.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

summer :)

Such a busy summer! Will. Update. Blog. Tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My busy week is over

My Mother has requested that I update this thing so she can see my pictures since she never goes on facebook to see them like everybody here you go MOM.

We went camping 4th of July weekend and the kids loved the beach!

Sean turned 4 last week! He is such a silly, loveable, friendly, happy, sensitive little guy that always makes me smile. He always wants to cuddle and always tells me he loves me. I love him so much! Happy Birthday Sean! We had a Toy Story friend party for him and we had the waterslide out and the kiddie pools and they just got to splash around and have fun.

He loves his new toys he got.

Alien cupcakes I made for the party.

Lexi got a big hug after she gave him a Woody Pillow

My cousin, Nicole, got married this past weekend!

Alexis, Sean & I were in the wedding. They did such a good job with everything and they looked so cute!

My Aunt Lori and Nicole

Nick and Nicole

Gary, the kids & I after the wedding

The bridal party

My Grandma and my Dad

My Mom and I

Lexi and her Nana

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Update Quicky

Here is a quick update of my past 2 months through my photos:
We went to a Thomas the train ride with the kids on Mother's Day and they loved it!
picture taken with Thomas!

Alyssa's birthday party :)

Me and Banaroo

smiley girl with her missing teeth

Kari's 30th Birthday Bash

Us girlies at Kari's house

Alexis and Sean looking cute as ever!

We had Nicole's bridal shower

Lily ate one of Alana's binkies and had to have a major surgery to get it out :(
She is much better now though :)

Sean had a concert at school and was so cute. He was so scared though and wouldn't really sing or look at us. He kind of looked like he wanted to throw up...thank god he didn't.

Alana turned 1!

Looking cute in her bday gear

Sean and his buddy Jack on the last day of preschool

Alana now knows Lily will eat whatever she gives her. Lily will sit next to her until she gives her food.

Gary and I got to go out to dinner with some friends :)

Alana with her Nana at the balloonfest

Balloon fest

They loved watching the balloons get blown up

My happy girls

Alexis was a little scared of some of the animals at the petting zoo, lol

This is a picture of Alana and her friend, Stella a year ago

And this is a picture of them one year later. I can't belive how much someone can grow and change in a year!